
For 4 months now I have released Moviefly under GPLv2 on the web and I very 
much'd like to see it part in the Debian package archive.

Short description:

Moviefly (alias lmc) is a port of the Ant Movie Catalog by Antoine Potten from 
Windows (http://www.antp.be/software/moviecatalog) to GNU/Linux.

Longer description:

Moviefly stores information on video media files, including title, actors, 
genre, descriptions, comments, rating, director, producer, picture, 
languages, subtitles, video- and audio format, video- and audio bitrates, 
resolution, framerate, file size and media type.

Technical information can be automatically extracted, descriptive information 
on a title may be downloaded from the internet.

Why Moviefly:

I started writing Moviefly because there was no comparable application such as 
AMC for GNU/Linux and none in the Debian repository. 
There are some LAMP applications which lack automatic extraction of movie 
information or automatical downloading of information from online movie 
Well, now there is.


Moviefly is hosted by Savannah:

.deb Archive

The current release v0.12.1 is the third release providing support for 
building Debian .deb archives. This is the first release for which a Debian 
archive is online. 
You can download the archive from:

And its PGP signature:

PGP Key:
My PGP key is available via Savannah:

or on the hkp://wwwkeys.pgp.net key-server.

Please contact me if you see a change to sponsor Moviefly to the Debian 

The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate
knowledge of its ugly side.  -- James Baldwin

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