Hello Alexander,

Am 2005-04-13 11:48:53, schrieb Alexander Schmehl:
> * Michelle Konzack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050413 02:13]:
> > 1)  What should I do in such situation?
> >     Write a BUG report against the package ?
> Yes, missing build-dependencies (or to be more correct:  All FTBFS-bugs
> (Fails to build from source)) are Release Critical.

Thanks, now I know what FTBFS is.  :-)

> If possible, try the plain package without your modifications (just to
> be sure), if possible with a log of the build.  You might want to try
> pbuilder, which does that quite nice.

I have already tried to compile it without modifications.
OK, I will install pbuilder (never tried it).

> Yours sincerely,
>   Alexander

Malzeit and a nice afternoon

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