Hello Justin,

Am 2005-04-04 19:17:22, schrieb Justin Pryzby:

> http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#s10.8


> > Should I keep the /var/log/program or 'rm -rf /var/log/program'.
>   Log files should be removed when the package is purged (but not when
>   it is only removed).


>   This should be done by the postrm script when it is called with the
>   argument purge.


> Note that there was a relevant thread on -devel around about last
> October.  Someone complained that their thesis was in /var/log/apache/
> and was deleted when they purged the package.  As such, you might

Ah yes, I remeber...

> consider something like rm -f /var/log/apache/{access,error}.log*;
> rmdir /var/log/apache/ instead of rm -fr /var/log/apache/.

OK, done.

> Justin

Good night

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