
This is the first experience using debconf to configure a bunch of
options in a program.

The program I am packing generate a config at its first start. Then the
admin must config it and can use the program, else it will not start.

Now I have created the "templates", "config", "postinst" and "postrm"

But I do not know, how to handel the initial config creation.

Is it OK, if I

  __( '/home/michelle.konzack/src/tddyndns-0.9.0/debian/postinst' )_____
| #!/bin/sh -e
| tddyndns >/dev/null 2>&1
| . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
| db_get tddyndns/dd_email_to
| db_get tddyndns/dd_email_from
| db_get tddyndns/dd_smtp_options


| # Program End
| exit 0

So, postinst will create the initial config
and after this I continue with debconf ?


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