On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 09:03 -0600, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> >   Perhaps:
> > 
> >     skippy
> >     skippy-gnome
> >     skippy-icewm
> >     skippy-kde
> I don't like this idea. As you said yourself it's completely overkill.
> >   Do you have some specific suggestion on how it should be handled?  I'm
> >  guessing you do given the d-desktop mailing list inclusion .. ;)
> What do you people think of modifying the window managers to look for
> skippy and start it when initing? For example, we could patch metacity
> to have an option on its capplet that allows you to enable skippy-like
> functionality if skippy is available.

I think, in that case, it would be life harder for everybody
involved ;-)

What if we just let the package to run something like:

echo 'skippy' >> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc

...in the postinst script?

Not yet tested, but should be enough.

And I would like to see probably,
the /usr/share/doc/skippy/skippyrc-default file, linked (or just placed
on) in /etc/skippy/skippyrc, so skippy could do something similar to the
attached diff. After that, it is the user's choice to copy the template
to $HOME/.skippyrc and be happy.

Again, not yet tested.

David Moreno Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.damog.net/
 "#define QUESTION ((bb) || !(bb))" - Shakespeare 
 GPG: C671257D - 6EF6 C284 C95D 78F6 0B78 FFD3 981C 5FD7 C671 257D
--- skippy.orig.c	2005-03-03 01:12:25.365004840 -0600
+++ skippy.c	2005-03-03 01:17:05.089480256 -0600
@@ -231,9 +231,10 @@
 	if(homedir) {
 		snprintf(cfgpath, 8191, "%s/%s", homedir, ".skippyrc");
 		config = config_load(cfgpath);
+	} else {
+	  	snprintf(cfgpath, 8191, "/etc/skippy/skippyrc");
+		config = config_load(cfgpath);
-	else
-		fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: $HOME not set, not loading config.\n");
 	wm_use_netwm_fullscreen(strcasecmp("true", config_get(config, "general", "useNETWMFullscreen", "true")) == 0);
 	wm_ignore_skip_taskbar(strcasecmp("true", config_get(config, "general", "ignoreSkipTaskbar", "false")) == 0);

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