
Masami Ichikawa wrote:

> I edited control file, changelog and rebuild.
> Re-Upload here.
> http://moonlinux.sourceforge.jp/debian/

In your debian/rules file, delete all the commented out debhelper
commands like "# dh_perl" -- there's no reason to keep these lines.

In your man page, you could be more descriptive of what some of the
options do -- I can't figure out all of them.  Particularly, I don't
understand the line for the "-r" flag.

In debian/control and in the man page, change this:

        bookmarkbridge is supports these browser.
        Internet Explorer [...] Konqueror.

to read something like this:

        BookmarkBridge supports the Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla
        Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, and Konqueror browsers.

Be aware that you can email debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org if you
would like any help with English phrasing.

As a nit-pick, the hyphen "-" in your man page at the beginning of the
OPTIONS section needs to be \escaped.

Finally, as suggested by fEnIo, you might want to add a line to
debian/control like this:

        Suggests: mozilla-browser | mozilla-firefox | konqueror

This looks like a useful package.


Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Physics Department
WWW: http://www.princeton.edu/~kmccarty/    Princeton University
GPG public key ID: 4F83C751                 Princeton, NJ 08544

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