On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 10:24:27PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Personally, I think it's a shame. Then again, I 
> have not (yet, I hope) earned for my key to be placed in the Debian key 
> ring, so one may say I have not earned the right to complain.

  I think that's exactly backwards.

  Most people who are in the project have little reason to refer
 back to the process documents, since they have already joined and
 "passed" it.

  The best people to comment on the relative difficulty / easyness
 of the documentation or process are the people who are new to it.

  If you have constructive comments on how the pages could be
 improved for new maintainers they would be greatfully received
 either here on on the mailing list for website development, 

  (Me?  I read some of the pages rarely to help provide pointers,
 but not enough to blame anything other than my poor memory when
 I cannot find things I know are there).

# The Debian Security Audit Project.

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