On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 02:41:12AM -0400, Maykel Moya wrote:
> I'm giving a try to pbuilder. I launched it with --no-targz to not
> download everything with every build.
> It's possible to tell pbuilder to get packages
> from /var/cache/apt/archives ? Yes, I did a script that parses 
> pbuilder output and copy packages available on /var/cache to 
> <buildroot>/var/cache. But, is there a pbuilder option for it ?

([EMAIL PROTECTED])~#grep APTCACHE= /etc/pbuilderrc 
> I hate every bit download twice while living with a 33 KBps dial-up. :)

So start reading documentation... it doesn't force you to download many
bits ;)


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