Jose de Paula Eufrasio Junior wrote, On 01/26/2005 05:27 PM:

Any help will be welcome.

A bit more of information on your package would be nice. License? Upstream? Check the archive to see how other people send their RFS mails. The "debian-mentors FAQ"[1] is also a good source of info.

Description: client to control Playstation2 ps2link/ps2netfs
 Designed for command line usage, ps2client is an alternative
 to pksh that allows you to control ps2link/ps2netfs in an
 entirely non-interactive way.
 New features in version 2 include the addition of wxvu and
 ps2netfs commands, documentation of the ps2link and ps2netfs
 protocols and a script-friendly timeout feature.

I couldn't find a ITP in the wnpp pseudo package either.



   .''`.                        | Lucas Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  : :' :   Debian GNU/Linux     | Buenos Aires, Argentina
  `. `'  |
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