Hi you all guys !!

I'm looking for a package that I like to keep it care of. I'm not sure
which to take. I'm a University student from Spain and I've to say that
I've a little time everyday to check for updates and things like that,
so I think that I would be useful for Debian Project. hehe.

I've some questions, of course for being a newbie Debian maintainer
(because I'm an "advanced?" Debian user), I'm not going to take care of
x.org, but I'd like to see it into official Debian repositories instead
of our XFree86, x.org is more powerful and It improves in many ways
compatibility. So I  was wondering if someone is going to bring it to

I've read how I can reach the Debian maintainer role, and I've some
questions. I've to write here for the package that I want to maintain,
true?, then I should be helped by another maintainer to learn how to
build packages the best way, right?

I think I got the most important points about how to be a Debian
maintainer and I dream with a "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" email address, hehe.

You community are the best of all this... THANK YOU VERY MUCH. We really
love Debian here in Spain.


.''`.     Rafael Fernández López
: :'  :
`. `'`
 `-  Debian GNU/Linux (SID)

Utilizando Debian GNU/Linux. ¿Por qué no te animas a probarlo?

"My name is Linus, and I am your god." - Linus Torvalds
"We all know Linux is great...it does infinite loops in 5 seconds." - Linus 
"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely 
unintentional side effect." - Linus Torvalds

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