Frank Küster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:

> Adrian von Bidder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
>> On Tuesday 11 January 2005 16.26, you wrote:
>>> [not subscribed to tetex-maint, so please cc: me if replying there.]
>>> I created a quick package of Achim Brucker's svninfo latex Package.
>>> <>
>> ... and of course, I have it online. Arrgh!
>> <>
> Some comments:

I forgot one: 


Either this file is meant for local configuration, as the name
implies. Then it should be in /etc/texmf/latex (with a symlink at its
old place), and this sentence from the file is nonsense and should be

| %% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
| %% with new filenames distinct from svninfo.cfg.

Or it is not meant for configuration, then it's one-line content should
just be integrated into svninfo.sty.

Furthermore, this sentense renders the package non-free. Of course it
makes more sense to change the sources, not the generated *sty or *cfg
files, but it must still be allowed (and, by the way, after the change
of the sources the same sentence would protect the changed version,
which doesn't make any sense to me).

It also contradicts the license of the source file from which it was
generated, which states that the package can be distributed under the
LPPL, either version 1 or any later version; and at least the current
version 1.3a does allow modification without renaming if the changed
file identifies itself as a modified version.

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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