El dj 06 de 01 del 2005 a les 13:03 +0000, en/na Dominic Hargreaves va
> On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 01:53:37PM +0100, Roland Gruber wrote:
> > I added a debian/watch file to my package ldap-account-manager some time 
> > ago. But the status on Debian Health is still that no watch file is 
> > existent.
> I've had the same problems on my packages - my watch file is practically
> identical in format to yours (apart from the comments).
> I'd be interested if you work out what's causing this.

I have the same problem too. It works correctly to me with ftp
(libmatheval package) but not with http (acx100 package).
If you find any solution, please report to this thread.
> Cheers,
> Dominic.
Miguel Gea Milvaques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Blog: http://www.livejournal.com/users/xerakko/

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