Am 2004-12-22 00:25:59, schrieb Tilman Koschnick:
> Hi,
> I'm intending to package the Cluster Command & Control tool suite [0],
> commonly refered to as C3. My package name of choice would be c3, but I
> was wondering if such short names are acceptable. Is there any
> documentation or general consent?
> When looking at the existing names, I noticed that there are no package
> names with only two characters, and not that many with three.

af an at bb bc bl cu cw dc di dx e3 ed ee es fv gb gq gs gv
hf ht hx im kq le lv m4 mc mp nd ne nn pi pv qe qm rc re ri
sc sl sn sp tf ud vh vm wl wv xt yh 

Are 52 enough ?

> Cheers, Til


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