El Jueves, 21 de Octubre de 2004 21:48, Manoj Srivastava escribió:
>         At this point, I have not seen the OP do anything that they
>  ought not to have done, and I have no idea what circumstances they
>  were dealing with -- they may not have a choice about the OS/MUA at
>  this point. We should be inviting to people who are trying to help
>  Debian while not yet on a free platform, rather than exposing our own
>  prejudices and pre-judgements.

First of all, sorry if went a bit off-topic previously.

My only intention was to show, that it isn't that strange to find funny, 
strange or curious, the use of a propietary mailer for asking for a sponsor.

I didn't wanted to convince anyone that he is right or wrong, just to explain 
reasons that shouldn't be that strange in this context.

That's all I have to add to this thread. ;-)

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://darkshines.net/ - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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