Michael MacFadden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have actually already read the New Maintainers Guide, and I have
> built a Debian package for Streamline.  I have tested it by installing
> it on my own machine several times so I believe I am "pretty close" to
> having something acceptable.  However, I am very inexperienced at
> making packages and I would be greatful to hear any suggestions a
> sponsor would have.  
> If any one is interested please let me know.  
Interested in making suggestions on how to bring it even closer to
acceptable, for sure - that's half of the fun of this list. Just post an
URL where one can get the files, and you'll soon learn that there's a
lot you can do wrong :-).

Regards, Frank
Frank K�ster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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