Hi, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I am packaging a package - A - which conflicts with only some files in > another package - B - (A depends on the rest of B's files). If A also > contained the files in B with which it conflicts, I think I would tag A > Replaces: B and be done; but A doesn't contain these files, it simply > conflicts with them, so they must be removed. > > How do I stop files from B from being installed? If I simply put rm > <files> into A's postinst script, the files could be reinstalled the > next time B is upgraded.
first: try to get a better solution second: if you are *sure* this is ok and won't break stuff: dpkg-divert, see policy... Gr��e/Regards, Ren� -- .''`. Ren� Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer : :' : http://www.debian.org | http://people.debian.org/~rene/ `. `' [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73 `- Fingerprint: 41FA F208 28D4 7CA5 19BB 7AD9 F859 90B0 248A EB73
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