> There were two points I was trying to make.  One is that the format 
> "1.4+1.5beta3-1" is superior to your proposed "short" version 
> "1.4-1+beta3", which looks like trouble. 
well good point again, I should have been not very carefully, in fact, I
was proposing something like 1.4+beta3-1 (misplaced the revision sorry)
wich is shorter, but in fact, after some (very intense ;p) thought time,
in fact, the convention you propose is much better. maybe it should be
an advice given in the policyt ?

> The other is that it would be 
> best to switch to this format before entering the archive.  I just want 
> to make sure you haven't overlooked the former.
For this part, I repeat that I worked with preversion of my package that
had the (not smart) version scheme : 1.0-beta(x)-(rev)

and what I find bad is that people that were using it, will have to
force dpkg to do the upgrade since 0.99+1.0beta4-1 < 1.0-beta4-1 and I
find it's sad ...

I would agree immediately if my scheme wasn't policy compliant, but
since it's not the fact, is that really something that should change ?
Well if everybody think the actual thing is _that_ bad, well, I don't
want argue for something stupid like that, but well, maybe it would be
great not to make the users life harder for nothing ?
Pierre Habouzit

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