On Sun, Jun 27, 2004 at 01:23:52PM +0200, Peter Rockai (mornfall) wrote:
>I'm looking for sponsor for the $SUBJ, until i finish my NM application. The 
>package is available at:
>deb http://www.kalyxo.org/debian unstable main

I run pbuilder on the source debian package. The output is at [0].

Please fix the lintian/linda warning and errors found at the end of [0].

[0] http://www-personal.monash.edu.au/~anibal/tmp/amarok_1.0.0-3.log.gz


W: amarok source: out-of-date-standards-version
W: amarok source: changelog-should-mention-nmu
W: amarok source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 1.0.0-3
W: amarok source: source-contains-CVS-dir debian/CVS
E: amarok-xmms: binary-without-manpage amarok_xmmswrapper
E: amarok-xmms: usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency amarok
E: amarok-gstreamer: usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency amarok
E: amarok-arts: no-shlibs-control-file usr/lib/libamarokarts.so
E: amarok-arts: usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency amarok


E: amarok: binary-without-manpage amarok
E: amarok: binary-without-manpage amarokapp
E: amarok; Uses cdbs and debhelper.mk, but the version is too old.
E: amarok; No manual page for binary amarok.
E: amarok; No manual page for binary amarokapp.
W: amarok-arts; Contains shared libraries, but doesn't start with lib.
W: amarok-arts; Contains shared libraries, but is not in Section: libs or base.
E: amarok-xmms; No manual page for binary amarok_xmmswrapper.

The second and third lintian warnings are because the name and email
address in debian/changelog are different to those for the maintainer in

>Here's the whereabouts of the package:
>ITP bug: 236696 (owned by Alejandro Exojo, but i have his ok to take over)

There is no 'closes: #236696' in the debian/changelog file. Please fix
that as well.

>Version: 1.0
>Upstream: the amaroK team
>Url: http://amarok.kde.org
>Description: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE
> amaroK tries to be a little different, providing a simple drag and drop
> interface  that really makes playlist handling easy.
> .
> Features include:
>  - fresh playlist concept, very fast to use, with drag and drop
>  - plays all formats supported by aRts, including mp3, ogg,
>    audio CDs, streams
>  - audio effects, like reverb and compressor
>  - compatible with the .m3u and .pls formats for playlists
>  - nice GUI, integrates into the KDE look, but with a unique touch
> .
> Both aRts and GStreamer support is available in packages amarok-arts and
> amarok-gstreamer, respectively. NMM engine is not yet included.
> .
> The xmms visualisation support is available in package amarok-xmms.
>    Peter


Anibal Monsalve Salazar
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux      | Building 28C
: :' :  Free Operating System | Monash University VIC 3800, Australia
`. `'   http://debian.org/    | http://www-personal.monash.edu/~anibal/
  `-                          |

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