* Package name    : estraier
  Version         : 1.2.9
  Upstream Author : Mikio Hirabayashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL or Web page : http://estraier.sourceforge.net/
* License         : GPL
  Description     : a personal full-text search system
   Estraier is a full-text search system for personal use.  The principal
   purpose of Estraier is to realize a full-text search system of a web site.
   It functions similarly to Google, but for a personal web site or sites in
   an intranet.
   This package contains the binaries build with kakasi.  

The package is in the following apt-line:

 deb http://bozu.sytes.net/~tyuyu/estraier/ ./
 deb-src http://bozu.sytes.net/~tyuyu/estraier/ ./

I'm now in NM process.

 Hidetaka Iwai

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