On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 09:13:18PM +0200, Christoph Wegscheider wrote:
> Hi,

Hello Christoph.

> I am quite new to packaging and just finished the initial release of
> potracegui. It is a KDE frontend for the potrace tracing (vectorizing)
> commanline tool. It enhances the commanline tool as it supports the use of
> any graphic format known by KDE as input. It also features the direct input
> of remote files (web, ftp, ...).

Nice to see that someone wants to package program that depends on my
package ;)
> I would appreciate any comments on the package. 

Ok here goes my comments:


You should fill ITP bug and close it with your changelog entry.


I'm sure that your Build-Depends header is wrong.
You have to write there programs which are needed during build of that
package. If it is KDE application then it certainly needs at least
Just try to build it in some chrooted environment. Pbuilder is great for
such purposes.


Take a look at:


Remove unneeded comments and dh_* lines.

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