Lucas Albers:
> Erik Schanze said:
> > Lucas Albers:
> >> I'd like to adopt this package, and I would need someone to sponsor me
> >> on
> >> it for the upload.
> >
> > Are there any files to look over?
> > Did you realized that the project website and author email has changed?
> >
> > I had also a look at this package and has communicate with upstream, but
> > you anounced this first here, so its yours (I think).
> If you've already talked to the upstream then go ahead.
I only have searched his new mail address, because my first mail was
rejected. (I would tell him that there is a mistake on his site.)
I have greped some news groups an find his new website, but
his email address was the old one. :-(
So I guess his new mail address and had luck. No big deal.
This should be noticed in debian/copyright.
> I'm new to maintaining packages so I'd be slow at it.
I'm new in maintaining package, too. This package is right to make the 
first steps, the codebase will changes slow, too. ;-)
Have you read Debian New Maintainer Guide? It helps me a lot on
my first packages.

> Your farther along on it then I am. You can have it.
Hm. This is not was I meen as I wrote this mail.
I'm sorry, if it sounds this way, I'm not a native speaker of English.

Please let me encourage you to do needed work on this package and
ask again for comments and sponsors, if you have build a package.
First you should retitle bug to ITA as described in:
to show that this package has a new maintainer.


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