Hi! debian/rules!

Let me refer you to the Debian Bugs Page, at http://bugs.debian.org.
Currently there are 11 bugs that should be addressed; actually they
should have been closed/fixed years ago (thanks to the old maintainer :)

Of Particular Interest is #157399 which add a button to launch gtklpq
from gtklp--it's fixed in 0.9p-1 (with Guido Guenther's patch) but now
it doesn't work in 0.9s. The button seems to do an sh call, but
unfortunately, it doesn't find gtklpq:

sh: 1: command not found

There's also #218608 (which should be on wishlist, gonna change the
severity soon ;) that asks for printer instances support, as well
#239509 & #246243 that's more on using gtklp/q in and around moving

Also of concern is the inclusion of the GPL License declaration inside
the gtkl[pq] sources. from
http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2003/12/msg00007.html and
http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2003/12/msg00194.html just
including the COPYING file in the source package isn't enough to really
make the software GPL-free... as well as the leftover .gmo's in the po/
directory, which should be cleaned at `make distclean`...

I'm about to upload 0.9s-1 shortly, so I'm asking for a _lot_ of input
here. I'm gonna pass this around to debian-mentors too, so that anyone
who's interested in this could get to work on a patch or two...

The gtklp packages are available at:


Thanks in Advance,

PS: Here's the head on debian/changelog for gtklp:

gtklp (0.9s-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (Closes: #153779, #170642, #226839)
  * GTK2 is now the default, fixed debian/control and description
  * Fixed debian/rules to deal with leftover .gmo's (artifacts from old
    gettext, should notify upstream about this)
  * Fixed debian/copyright, but source should also be changed to conform with
    GPL licensing rules (i.e., putting the license declaration _inside_ the
    source, it's not enough to just include the COPYING file ;)
  * Rebuilt gtklp against libcupsys2-gnutls10 in experimental (Closes:

 -- Zak B. Elep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Mon, 24 May 2004 21:46:04 +0800

|*-------------ZAK B. ELEP  (Registered Linux User #327585)-------------*|
|*      Web:    http://zakame.spunge.org        GPG ID:  0xFA53851D     *|
|*      Phone:  (+63)916-2458830                ICQ UIN: 33236644       *|
|*----------1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D----------*|

Version: 3.12
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G>+++ e>++ h! !r !y 

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