
Am So, den 23.05.2004 schrieb Jepri um 6:52:
> I dowloaded and had a look.  To start withm you've hardcoded the path 
> the java in your program, which is bad:

Yeah, how could I do better? Java 1.4 is the only Java version I know,
that Ontographics works with. I could check for a JAVA_HOME environment
variable, but 1. I don't know, if this is an 1.4 RE 2. this practice is
not encouraged in the Debian Java policy.
I also could use /usr/bin/java instead, which is managed by
alternatives, but again, my app doesn't work with kaffe/gjc/another JRE,
so I don't see the point.

> Also, I'm not sure about the actual function of your program.  It draws 
> some rather good looking lines and boxes, but there's a couple of 
> programs in Debian that already do that (e.g. Dia ).
> Maybe I missed some functionality somewhere?

Try to build a really big structure (quickly be done with copy+paste)
around some hundreds of nodes. Then navigate through the structure by
mouse-dragging it. It's a lot different from dia and the like :-) It's
hard to tell you, if you didn't try it. Some extra eye-candy can be
achieved with colored nodes and a background image.


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