* Martin-Éric Racine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040424 11:10]:
> On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Andreas Barth wrote:

> > * GCS ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040423 20:10]:
> > >  I have just noticed, that on the summary page of my packages[1] the
> > > already closed bugs still shown in xmms-blursk. On the PTS page I can
> > > see that the bugs are closed, and will be archived in 26 days. Is it
> > > normal, ie why I can't see the same with cvs2svn, where I also have
> > > closed bugs going to be archived, but not showing up at the summary
> > > page?

> > Actually,  http://qa.debian.org/developer.php is stalled for now
> > because merkel is restricted because of the recent kernel exploits,
> > and so the information push from spohr (where the information is
> > collected) to merkel (where http://qa.debian.org/developer.php is)
> > doesn't work any more. Sorry for this problem.
> Wouldn't it be better to move developer.php to spohr then?

No. developer.php is part of qa, and not of the bugs. But, be
relieved, after merkel is unrestricted (or more correct: after I'm
able to login to merkel again), I'll add an extra script that
transfers this data via another way from spohr to merkel if login is
restricted (slowing the transfer a bit down, and only every three
hours, and causing more traffic than rsync). So, in the long term,
this is not a problem. In the short term, well, I can't do anything
without help of some DSA. Sorry.

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