On Friday, March 7, 2025 11:26:49 PM MST Phil Wyett wrote:
> > > Test 7 (licenserecon): Information
> > > 
> > > d/copyright      | licensecheck
> > > 
> > > BSD-2-clause     | FSFULLR           config.rpath      
> > 
> > I think this is covered by policy 2.3:
> > 
> >   Thus, the copyright information for files in the source package which
> >   are only part of its build process, such as autotools files, need not
> >   be included in /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/copyright, because those files
> >   do not get installed into the binary package.
> Indeed, I have filed the issue below to see if we can have 'licenserecon'
> exclude these from checking.
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1099786

Actually, licenserecon’s behavior is correct, although I do understand that the 
policy is 
written in a way that is easy to misinterpret.

Basically, *all* license information must be included in debian/copyright.  
Full stop.

Some *copyright* information may be omitted from debian/copyright.

Relevant sections of the policy:


"Every package must be accompanied by a verbatim copy of its distribution 
*license(s)* in 
the file /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/copyright.”

This is the part that is talking about licenses (emphasis mine in the quote).  
It is 
communicating that all license information must be reflected in 
debian/copyright, but it 
isn’t as forceful or as clear as it could be.  However, it will be clarified 
later in the policy.

"The *copyright* information for files in a package must be copied verbatim 
into /usr/
share/doc/PACKAGE/copyright, when all of the following hold:

"1. the distribution license for those files requires that copyright 
information be included 
in all copies and/or binary distributions;

“2. the files are shipped in the binary package, either in source or compiled 
form; and

"3. the form in which the files are present in the binary package does not 
include a plain 
text version of their copyright notices.

"Thus, the *copyright information* for files in the source package which are 
only part of 
its build process, such as autotools files, need not be included in 
copyright, because those files do not get installed into the binary package. 
Similarly, plain 
text files which include their own copyright information and are installed into 
the binary 
package unmodified need not have that copyright information copied into 

This section explains when copyright information (emphasis mine in quote) may 
omitted, including in scenarios such as autotools files.


"The copyright information for files in a package must be copied verbatim into 
doc/PACKAGE/ copyright when all of the following hold:

"1. the distribution license for those files requires that copyright 
information be included 
in all copies and/or
binary distributions;

"2. the files are shipped in the binary package, either in source or compiled 
form; and

"3. the form in which the files are present in the binary package does not 
include a plain 
text version of their copyright notices.

"Note that there is no change to the requirement to copy *all licensing 
information* into /

This part clarifies that all licensing information must be included in 
(emphasis mine in the quote).

So, if your autotools files have the same license as the main project, then you 
do not need 
to include their copyright information in debian/copyright, even if it is 
different than the 
other copyright information already listed.  However, if your autotools files 
have different 
licensing information than the main project, you do need to include them in 

The licenserecon check indicates that this file does have a different license 
may be a false positive, which licenserecon sometimes produces, but if it isn’t 
then you 
need to address it.  And if it is a false positive, you can add an override in 
with a comment explaining why.

As an example, here is a debian/copyright file I recently created for a project 
with a lot of 
different licenses in its autotools files.  It included a couple of entries 
that are not required 
by current policy (but are not prohibited either).  But everything that 
contains a separate 
license is required to be included.


Soren Stoutner

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