On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 11:48:03AM +0100, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
> I've packaged "simplemonitor". The package adds a simplemonitor user,
> and a systemd service to run simplemonitor under this user and using the
> configuration files from /etc/simplemonitor
> I know that some user did "apt install simplemonitor" and then tried to
> use simplemonitor without systemd (which is possible, but reinventing
> the wheel). The user tried it that because he didn't realise that
> simplemonitor was integrated with systemd, the simplemonitor system
> user, checks on startup, etc.
> My question is: how to inform users about systemd integration?

NEWS.Debian or nothing.

> But I wonder of any more standard ways to do that, what other packages
> do, etc.

The standard way is to not notify about any non-critical changes.


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