Hi Bo,
Thanks for your help reviewing this package. I've just added the
missing files below to the python-indexed:
- debian/upstream/metadata
- debian/gbp.conf
I've also re-uploaded it to mentors.debian.net and to salsa as
Thanks for the tip about the mail list and IRC channel, I will
remember it next time.
All the best,
Le 17/02/2025 à 13:28, Bo YU a écrit :
Hi joenio,
On Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 6:57 PM Phil Wyett <philip.wy...@kathenas.org> wrote:
Control: tags -1 +confirmed
Thanks for your work.
Could you add d/upstream/* and gbp.conf for it? Just ping me when you
get ready to sponsor.
BTW, you can send one RFS signal to debian-python mail list or
#debian-python channel on OFTC when you are one member of DPT. There
you will get more attention than mentor.
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Joenio Marques da Costa
Research Software Engineer
GPG: 9B2D 64BF 843D 6DC1 D8C1 752C 2E31 D3FD E6D0 8FF4