On 16/02/2025 23:08, Brian Button wrote:
I have built a package (PlebGPIO) which simplifies access to the GPIO bus used by Raspberry Pi and some other companies.  Written in ‘C’, the repo is here: https://github.com/briantbutton/plebgpio <https:// github.com/briantbutton/plebgpio>.  We use it in production on Ubuntu 24.04.  AFAIK, it is only relevant in an ARM64 architecture.

32-bit rpi is armhf architecture [1], lots of rpi 2 and 3 still around.

Also, your program uses a standard device ioctl, so could work with amd64 architecture too, things like superio chips or GPIO breakout boards sometimes have a gpio device instead of serial ports only.

1. https://wiki.debian.org/SupportedArchitectures


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