Control: tags -1 +confirmed itd,
Preamble ======== Thank you for taking the time to prepare this package and your ongoing contribution to the Debian project. This review is offered to help package contributors to Debian mentors improve their packages (where needed) prior to possible sponsorship into Debian by a Debian Developer. For information on each of the tests run, see: Tests ===== Test 1 (reproducibility): Pass - None blocking. Test 2 (pbuilder): Pass Test 3 (build twice): Pass Test 4 (sbuild): Pass Test 5 (ratt): Pass- None blocking. Test 6 (debian/watch): Pass Test 7 (licenserecon): Pass Test 8 (first run): Pass Comment ======= As Soren has stated in another comment, it would be beneficial to have a separate 'Files: debian/*' for clarity of information and who has done what