Control: tags -1 +confirmed



Thank you for taking the time to prepare this package and your contribution to
the Debian project.

This review is offered to help package contributors to Debian mentors improve
their packages (where needed) prior to possible sponsorship into Debian by a
Debian Developer.


1. Build:

  * pbuilder [1]: Good
  * sbuild [2]: Good

2. Lintian [3]: Information only

I: runit-services: description-possibly-contains-homepage
N:   This package has no Homepage field but has a URL in the description and
N:   wording that might indicate this is the package Homepage. If it is, add a
N:   Homepage control field containing it rather than mentioning it in the
N:   package description.
N:   Visibility: info
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: fields/description

3. Licenses [4]: Good

4. Watch file [uscan --force-download]: N/A

5. Build Twice (build source after successful build) [1]: Good

6. Reproducible builds [5]: Good

Note: Test does not block sponsorship and is for information only at this time.

7. Tail of the ratt (architecture dependant packages only) [6]: Good

Note: Test does not block sponsorship and is for information only at this time.

8. Install [No previous installs]: Good

9. Upgrade [Over previous installs if any]: Good


Nothing. :-)


I believe 'runit-services' is ready for review/possible sponsorship. Could a
Debian Developer (DD) with available free time, please review this package and
upload if you feel it is ready.

Please try the below on your packages...

[1] pbuilder:

  * Command for 1.: sudo pbuilder build <PACKAGE>.dsc
  * Command for 5.: sudo pbuilder build --twice <PACKAGE>.dsc
  * Document:
  * Document:

[2] sbuild:

  * Command: sbuild -d unstable <PACKAGE>.dsc
  * Document:
  * autopkgtests. See link below.

[3] lintian:

  * Command: lintian --display-info --verbose --fail-on error --info --pedantic
--show-overrides (*.dsc, *.changes, *.buildinfo). Each can throw up different
results, so be thorough.
  * Document:

[4] lrc:

  * Command: lrc
  * Document:

  Note: Please report false positives as bug reports against 'licenserecon'

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