Control: tags -1 -moreinfo Clarify license issues

On 01/02/2025 08:58, Phil Wyett wrote:
3. Licenses [4]: Issue, possible false positive, needs review[...]> d/copyright 
     | licensecheck

LGPL-2+          | Zlib              bootstrap/inc/allegro5/
LGPL-2+          | Zlib              inc/allegro5/

Hi Phil,

The inc directory, available in two locations, contains the headers written by the FreeBASIC team where they quote the original header's license.

They would contain something like this:

'' FreeBASIC binding for allegro-5.0.11
'' based on the C header files:
''   Copyright (c) 2004-2011 the Allegro 5 Development Team
'' translated to FreeBASIC by:
''   FreeBASIC development team

For all those files, I believe the copyright holder is the author of the FB file, not the original header.
And this is how I tracked it in d/copyright:
Files: inc/*
Copyright: 2004-2025 The FreeBASIC Development Team
           2000-2004 Angelo Mottola
License: LGPL-2+
 Most of these files mention a different copyright of the corresponding
 C header file. However, they were all rewritten in FreeBASIC by the
 FreeBASIC team and fewer authors as indicated by "translated to FreeBASIC"
 Therefore using FreeBASIC as copyright holder, not the original C header.

Is this the correct interpretation or something else?


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