
On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 21:38, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> Hi.
> Steffen Nissen wrote:
> > Tried to build it with pbuilder, but still the same problem. Am I doing
> > something wrong?
> You probably are missing an appropriate Section: field for the source
> part (the first one) of your debian/control file..)

Yeah, it seems like this is the problem, but since this is my first
attempt at a debian package, I do not know how to fix it. I have
attached my debian/control file for people to see and correct, since I
obviously does not know how to fix it.


Source: libfann1
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Steffen Nissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0)
Standards-Version: 3.6.0

Package: libfann1-dev
Section: devel
Architecture: any
Depends: libfann1 (= ${Source-Version})
Description: Fast Artificial Neural Network Library, Development files
 fann is implemented in ANSI C. The library implements multilayer
 feedforward networks with support for both fully connected and sparse
 connected networks. Fann offers support for execution in fixed point
 arithmetic to allow for fast execution on systems with no floating
 point processor. To overcome the problems of integer overflow, the
 library calculates a position of the decimal point after training and
 guarantees that integer overflow can not occur with this decimal
 The library is designed to be fast, versatile and easy to use. Several
 benchmarks have been executed to test the performance of the
 library. The results show that the fann library is significantly
 faster than other libraries on systems without a floating point
 processor, while the performance was comparable to other highly
 optimized libraries on systems with a floating point processor.

Package: libfann1
Section: libs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Suggests: libfann1-dev (= ${Source-Version})
Description: Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann)
 fann is implemented in ANSI C. The library implements multilayer
 feedforward networks with support for both fully connected and sparse
 connected networks. Fann offers support for execution in fixed point
 arithmetic to allow for fast execution on systems with no floating
 point processor. To overcome the problems of integer overflow, the
 library calculates a position of the decimal point after training and
 guarantees that integer overflow can not occur with this decimal
 The library is designed to be fast, versatile and easy to use. Several
 benchmarks have been executed to test the performance of the
 library. The results show that the fann library is significantly
 faster than other libraries on systems without a floating point
 processor, while the performance was comparable to other highly
 optimized libraries on systems with a floating point processor.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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