On Fri, 10 Jan 2025 20:10:45 +0000 Phil Wyett <philip.wy...@kathenas.org>
> Control: tags -1 +moreinfo
> Samo,
> Preamble...
> Thank you for taking the time to prepare this package and your contribution
> the Debian project.
> This review is offered to help package submitters to Debian mentors inorder
> improve their packages prior to possible sponsorship into Debian. There is no
> obligation on behalf of the submitter to make any alterations based upon
> information provided in the review.
> Review...
> 1. Build:
>   * pbuilder [1]: Good
>   * sbuild [2]: Good
> 2. Lintian [3]: Issue
> Running lintian...
> N:
> I: git-subrepo source: out-of-date-standards-version 4.5.0 (released 2020-01-
> 20) (current is 4.7.0)
> N: 
> N:   The source package refers to a Standards-Version older than the one that
> N:   was current at the time the package was created (according to the
> N:   timestamp of the latest debian/changelog entry). Please consider
> N:   the package to current Policy and setting this control field
> N:   appropriately.
> N:   
> N:   If the package is already compliant with the current standards, you
> N:   have to re-upload the package just to adjust the Standards-Version
> N:   field. However, please remember to update this field next time you
> N:   the package.
> N:   
> N:   See /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz in the
> N:   debian-policy package for a summary of changes in newer versions of
> N:   Policy.
> N: 
> N:   Please refer to
> N:   https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.html for
> N:   details.
> N: 
> N:   Visibility: info
> N:   Show-Always: no
> N:   Check: fields/standards-version
> N: 
> N:
> P: git-subrepo source: package-uses-old-debhelper-compat-version 12
> N: 
> N:   This package uses a debhelper compatibility level that is no longer
> N:   recommended. Please consider using the recommended level.
> N:   
> N:   For most packages, the best way to set the compatibility level is to
> N:   specify debhelper-compat (= X) as a Build-Depends in debian/control. You
> N:   can also use the debian/compat file or export DH_COMPAT in debian/rules.


It would be nice if you can address the multi-arch hinter suggestion at the
link below.






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