Control: tags -1 moreinfo On Sat, 28 Dec 2024 20:40:49 +0900 YOKOTA Hiroshi <> wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package asmc-linux: hi Hiroshi, the package seems to be in good shape overall. I did find two minor issues though and some questions came up about the copyright file: * docs: isn't useful as end-user documentation: the file only contains instructions on building from source (pointless after having already installed the binary package); please remove. * lintian hit "hardening-no-fortify-functions [usr/bin/asmc]" is probably worth overriding, considering full hardening options are set in d/rules and this is likely a false positive. * copyright: while the upstream sources do come with a copy of version 2 of the GPL, I cannot find an explicit copyright statement nor any mention of the copyright holder(s) anywhere in the sources. What is the basis for the info currently listed in d/copyright, in particular copyright holders, years, and the applicable version(s) of the GPL? * copyright: the short name used to refer to the GPL in d/copyright is "GPL-2". This customarily means GPL-version-2-only, but the text in the License paragraph contradicts that by also permitting "any later version". If the license grant actually permits using the terms of any later version, a plus sign should be added to the end of the short name (e.g. "GPL-2+"); if not, the paragraph should be modified to match the meaning of the short name. Please remove the moreinfo tag (and CC me) once you have an updated package ready.
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