Hi Hilmar,

Thanks for reporting this. CCing the email to debian-ci mail list and
drop mentors@l.d.o.

On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 6:55 AM Hilmar Preuße <hill...@web.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> the debci test for proftpd-dfsg 1.3.8b-3 succeeds unexpectedly on
> riscv64 and only on riscv64. I tried to reproduce the issue on a riscv64
> porter box and failed. I've asked upstream, what the purpose of the test
> is: the answer was that it tries to resolve an unresolvable address,
> which is expected to fail. For -4 I've disabled that specific test
> however I'm wondering what is specific to that DebCI box, which could
> lead to an unexpected behaviour regarding DNS resolving.

I am a RISC-V porter on Debian and I work with the debci team on the
maintenance these riscv64 workers.

At first I thought it was one tempfail which we faced in the past, but
looking at this[0] again, I realized it was not that. So I guess maybe
we have DNS resolving as you analyst as above. Could you grep some
command to reproduce this from the proftpd log? I recall we have some
DNS test failed on riscv64 worker also but not remember which exact
package it comes from.:(

[0]: https://ci.debian.net/packages/p/proftpd-dfsg/testing/riscv64/54334829/
> Thanks,
>    Hilmar
> [1] https://ci.debian.net/packages/p/proftpd-dfsg/testing/riscv64/
> --
> Testmail

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