
The package looks to be in good shape.

1. Can you please update the changelog to indicate it is targeting unstable 
instead of UNRELEASED?

2.  You probably want to fix the following typo in the word "environment":

P: bash-unit source: spelling-error-in-patch-description environement 
environment [debian/patches/fix-doc-test-locale]

3.  You probably want to include an upstream.metadata file.  The fields you 
include vary by what the upstream project has available, but you can get some 
idea of what is possible by looking at:

4.  You probably want to include the upstream README.adoc file in /usr/share/
doc/bash-unit.  There are several ways to do this, but one of the easiest is 
to use a debian/docs file:

Let me know when you have pushed changes to the Salsa repository and I can 
sponsor it.

On Friday, October 25, 2024 1:22:25 PM MST Martin Dosch wrote:
> Dear Soren,
> Am 25.10.2024 13:21, schrieb Soren Stoutner:
> >Control: owner -1 !
> >I will review the package for sponsorship.
> thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Martin

Soren Stoutner

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