
Le 03/09/2024 à 08:28, Phil Wyett a écrit :
Hey - I'll sponsor this, but i would like to see something more
descriptive for the closing of the bug in the changelog:

Changes since the last upload:

  dia (0.98+git20240814-1) unstable; urgency=medium
    * New upstream snapshot
      - Closes: #1078335
    * Remove patches applied upstream
    * Build-depend on libemf-dev only on available architectures

perhaps something like

    * New upstream snapshot
      - Fix adding images to diagrams - Closes: #1078335
    * Remove patches applied upstream
    * Build-depend on libemf-dev only on available architectures


Could the below files be appropriately handled in 'debian/copyright'

0.98+git20240814$ lrc
: Versions: recon 1.16  check 3.3.9-1

Parsing Source Tree  ....
Reading copyright    ....
Running licensecheck ....

d/copyright     | licensecheck

GPL-2           | public-domain    plug-ins/layout/ogdf-simple.cpp
GPL-2           | public-domain    plug-ins/layout/ogdf-simple.h


GPL-2           | MIT~Xfig         plug-ins/xfig/fig-format-3.2

This one seems like a false-positive: the copyright of this file is not
clear, but I cannot find any mention about "MIT-Xfig" in this file or
even in the whole project.

I uploaded to mentors the updated package:

Thanks for your reviews,


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