So here's the file attached.  It works on my Ubuntu.  My friend who
encouraged me got on the phone with me and told me to start with the
in-code implementation of the help message then I pulled him to getops,
something I have learned academically, then we created just a few variables
for the logic of implementing the cut -m idea.  As we talked on the phone,
we compiled the thing independently on our respective platforms, he is in
Texas and I am in California, and got it running.  I had a hiccup where I
had an irritating error so he emailed me his version of the file.  I could
compile his code, but we still had an error that operated differently on
our respective systems due to his ls -l producing only 1 hard links per
entry, while mine had 10, 12, 14, and 60 hardlinks for a small percentage
of my entries, which mostly had 1 hardlink like his.  Then, since he has a
day job and I don't, I am set up with a fixed income that keeps me stably
domiciled and fed, and he is 2 hours of time zone to the east of me, he
told me to fix the error on my own and he would incentivize me more.

So I fucked around with the comment style because it was driving me crazy
looking at braces at the end of scopes and not knowing what was going on.
I left in my debug single character printfs commented out and with left
justification and no indentation.  I included my email in the file and
followed the syntax to include myself as an author with this year's
copyright.  I struggled to understand the code until my late bedtime that
night, and ended up looking at some websites about the algorithm and code
on my phone while in bed.

My next 'morning' I continued with my vi terminals and futzed with
different field cases when cut received a pipe from ls -l.  I sent my Texas
friend pix of my terminal work and he raised the incentivization.  I ended
up clicking on a variable name on a Google search when it was giving me a
bunch of pages that didn't include the exact string representing the
variable name.  When I did that, I got to a page that I am pretty sure is
one of those auto-generated websites of emails sent to groups like this
that I suspect on which this very email will appear perhaps only
milliseconds after I hit send.

I skimmed the content and quickly noted an 'if (merge_delimiters)' scope
commented 'Consume consecutive delimiters' or some such and realized
immediately this was exactly what I needed.  I was able to recognize the
brace structure and adjacent very simple c code line as existing in the
cut.c file I was working on.  The craziest thing was that because my Texas
friend and I were doing our best to follow the style and naming convention
in our code that we actually had already created a variable named exactly
that.  Therefore, I was highly confident if I simply stole this code it
would work.  I paused, and came up with the idea that the appropriate
action was to steal the code, copy it exactly, but add one line to the
comment simply 'see [the URI to the code snippet that nearly filled up one
line].' I consider this akin to writing an academic research paper and
including a bibliography with formatted citations.

It worked like a charm.  So idk if you guys care, idk if I deserve to put
my name on this like I did with so little work, idk if I can handle
emotionally interacting with this community.  If you Google me, I think you
will see my past frustrated behavior.  The last time I read a reply to my
post here, it pissed me off so much I refrained from profanity but instead
just closed all my vi working terminals on the cut project and set it all
aside.   I think if you guys wanted, you could probably just swap this file
with an existing cut.c in any system with no problems.

My Texas friend guided me in interacting with existing code which is
something I have never done before.  What I have done before started in
1984 on what I billed as on EVAX at the University of Wisconsin -
Milwaukee, and this work was certainly similar to what I did at the Madison
campus where I got my B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science in 1989.  I
have never worked professionally as a programmer, but although I strayed
from CS, obtaining my MS degree from USC billed below, I also returned to
studies of CS, obtaining my MSCS from San Francisco State University.

So in closing, here's my code, use it if you want, email me if you want, or
do none of that, but idk how much I care, and idk how likely I am to
continue to interact with this discourse space.  One thing that would
really pique my interest would be advice on how I could edit the man pages
on my system to include an update with the -m option to my cut.  I'm not
holding my breath waiting for that.  I will now simply return to the large
number of YouTube tabs that sometimes crash my Ubuntu to peacefully wait
for my death.


  Kayven Riese
  Kayven Riese, MSCS,
                      MS  (Physiology and Biophysics)
  (415) 902 5513 cellular
/* cut - remove parts of lines of files
   Copyright (C) 1997-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   Copyright (C) 1984 David M. Ihnat
   Copyright (C) 2024 Kayven Riese 

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <>.  */

/* Written by David Ihnat.  */

/* Amended to include merge delimiters (-m) to avoid null fields 
   by Kayven Riese <>.  */

/* POSIX changes, bug fixes, long-named options, and cleanup
   by David MacKenzie <>.

   Rewrite cut_fields and cut_bytes -- Jim Meyering.  */

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "system.h"

#include "assure.h"
#include "fadvise.h"
#include "getndelim2.h"

#include "set-fields.h"

/* The official name of this program (e.g., no 'g' prefix).  */
#define PROGRAM_NAME "cut"

#define AUTHORS \
  proper_name ("David M. Ihnat"), \
  proper_name ("Kayven Riese"), \
  proper_name ("David MacKenzie"), \
  proper_name ("Jim Meyering")

#define FATAL_ERROR(Message)						\
  do									\
    {									\
      error (0, 0, (Message));						\
      usage (EXIT_FAILURE);						\
    }									\
  while (0)

/* Pointer inside RP.  When checking if a byte or field is selected
   by a finite range, we check if it is between CURRENT_RP.LO
   and CURRENT_RP.HI.  If the byte or field index is greater than
   CURRENT_RP.HI then we make CURRENT_RP to point to the next range pair.  */
static struct field_range_pair *current_rp;

/* This buffer is used to support the semantics of the -s option
   (or lack of same) when the specified field list includes (does
   not include) the first field.  In both of those cases, the entire
   first field must be read into this buffer to determine whether it
   is followed by a delimiter or a newline before any of it may be
   output.  Otherwise, cut_fields can do the job without using this
   buffer.  */
static char *field_1_buffer;

/* The number of bytes allocated for FIELD_1_BUFFER.  */
static size_t field_1_bufsize;

/* If true, do not output lines containing no delimiter characters.
   Otherwise, all such lines are printed.  This option is valid only
   with field mode.  */
static bool suppress_non_delimited;

/* If true, print all bytes, characters, or fields _except_
   those that were specified.  */
static bool complement;

/* The delimiter character for field mode.  */
static unsigned char delim;

/* The delimiter for each line/record.  */
static unsigned char line_delim = '\n';

/* The length of output_delimiter_string.  */
static size_t output_delimiter_length;

/* The output field separator string.  Defaults to the 1-character
   string consisting of the input delimiter.  */
static char *output_delimiter_string;

/* The output delimiter string contents, if the default.  */
static char output_delimiter_default[1];

/* True if we have ever read standard input.  */
static bool have_read_stdin;

/* True if we are going to treat consecutive delimiters as one. */
static bool merge_delimiters;

/* For long options that have no equivalent short option, use a
   non-character as a pseudo short option, starting with CHAR_MAX + 1.  */

static struct option const longopts[] =
  {"bytes", required_argument, nullptr, 'b'},
  {"characters", required_argument, nullptr, 'c'},
  {"fields", required_argument, nullptr, 'f'},
  {"delimiter", required_argument, nullptr, 'd'},
  {"only-delimited", no_argument, nullptr, 's'},
  {"merge", no_argument, nullptr, 'm'},
  {"output-delimiter", required_argument, nullptr, OUTPUT_DELIMITER_OPTION},
  {"complement", no_argument, nullptr, COMPLEMENT_OPTION},
  {"zero-terminated", no_argument, nullptr, 'z'},
  {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0}

usage (int status)
  if (status != EXIT_SUCCESS)
    emit_try_help ();
      printf (_("\
Usage: %s OPTION... [FILE]...\n\
      fputs (_("\
Print selected parts of lines from each FILE to standard output.\n\
"), stdout);

      emit_stdin_note ();
      emit_mandatory_arg_note ();

      fputs (_("\
  -b, --bytes=LIST        select only these bytes\n\
  -c, --characters=LIST   select only these characters\n\
  -d, --delimiter=DELIM   use DELIM instead of TAB for field delimiter\n\
"), stdout);
      fputs (_("\
  -f, --fields=LIST       select only these fields;  also print any line\n\
                            that contains no delimiter character, unless\n\
                            the -s option is specified\n\
  -m, --merge              when using -d and -f, merge consecutive delimiters to avoid null fields\n\
  -n                      (ignored)\n\
"), stdout);
      fputs (_("\
      --complement        complement the set of selected bytes, characters\n\
                            or fields\n\
"), stdout);
      fputs (_("\
  -s, --only-delimited    do not print lines not containing delimiters\n\
      --output-delimiter=STRING  use STRING as the output delimiter\n\
                            the default is to use the input delimiter\n\
"), stdout);
      fputs (_("\
  -z, --zero-terminated   line delimiter is NUL, not newline\n\
"), stdout);
      fputs (HELP_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);
      fputs (VERSION_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);
      fputs (_("\
Use one, and only one of -b, -c or -f.  Each LIST is made up of one\n\
range, or many ranges separated by commas.  Selected input is written\n\
in the same order that it is read, and is written exactly once.\n\
"), stdout);
      fputs (_("\
Each range is one of:\n\
  N     N'th byte, character or field, counted from 1\n\
  N-    from N'th byte, character or field, to end of line\n\
  N-M   from N'th to M'th (included) byte, character or field\n\
  -M    from first to M'th (included) byte, character or field\n\
"), stdout);
      emit_ancillary_info (PROGRAM_NAME);
  exit (status);

/* Increment *ITEM_IDX (i.e., a field or byte index),
   and if required CURRENT_RP.  */

static inline void
next_item (uintmax_t *item_idx)
  if ((*item_idx) > current_rp->hi)

/* Return nonzero if the K'th field or byte is printable.  */

static inline bool
print_kth (uintmax_t k)
  return current_rp->lo <= k;

/* Return nonzero if K'th byte is the beginning of a range.  */

static inline bool
is_range_start_index (uintmax_t k)
  return k == current_rp->lo;

/* Read from stream STREAM, printing to standard output any selected bytes.  */

static void
cut_bytes (FILE *stream)
  uintmax_t byte_idx;	/* Number of bytes in the line so far.  */
  /* Whether to begin printing delimiters between ranges for the current line.
     Set after we've begun printing data corresponding to the first range.  */
  bool print_delimiter;

  byte_idx = 0;
  print_delimiter = false;
  current_rp = frp;
  while (true)
      int c;		/* Each character from the file.  */

      c = getc (stream);

      if (c == line_delim)
          if (putchar (c) < 0)
            write_error ();
          byte_idx = 0;
          print_delimiter = false;
          current_rp = frp;
      else if (c == EOF)
          if (byte_idx > 0)
            if (putchar (line_delim) < 0)
              write_error ();
          next_item (&byte_idx);
          if (print_kth (byte_idx))
              if (output_delimiter_string != output_delimiter_default)
                  if (print_delimiter && is_range_start_index (byte_idx))
                      if (fwrite (output_delimiter_string, sizeof (char),
                                  output_delimiter_length, stdout)
                          != output_delimiter_length)
                        write_error ();
                  print_delimiter = true;
                }  /* END OF (output_delimiter_string != output_delimiter_default)  TRUE ** */
              if (putchar (c) < 0)
                write_error ();
            }   /* END OF   (print_kth (byte_idx))  TRUE **  */
        }   /*  END OF (c == line_delim)  FALSE ***> ELSE BRANCH **>  (c == EOF)  FALSE ** */
    } /*  LOOP END ***  while (true)  ***   ** */
} /* ** END OF FUNCTION *** ***   cut_bytes (FILE *stream) ****  */

/* Read from stream STREAM, printing to standard output any selected fields.  */

static void
cut_fields (FILE *stream)
  int c;	/* Each character from the file.  */
  uintmax_t field_idx = 1;
  bool found_any_selected_field = false;
  bool buffer_first_field;
  bool last_was_delimiter = false;

  current_rp = frp;

  c = getc (stream);
  if (c == EOF)

  ungetc (c, stream);
  c = 0;

  /* To support the semantics of the -s flag, we may have to buffer
     all of the first field to determine whether it is 'delimited.'
     But that is unnecessary if all non-delimited lines must be printed
     and the first field has been selected, or if non-delimited lines
     must be suppressed and the first field has *not* been selected.
     That is because a non-delimited line has exactly one field.  */
  buffer_first_field = (suppress_non_delimited ^ !print_kth (1));

  while (true)
      if (field_idx == 1 && buffer_first_field)
          ssize_t len;
          size_t n_bytes;

          len = getndelim2 (&field_1_buffer, &field_1_bufsize, 0,
                            GETNLINE_NO_LIMIT, delim, line_delim, stream);
          if (len < 0)
              free (field_1_buffer);
              field_1_buffer = nullptr;
              if (ferror (stream) || feof (stream))
              xalloc_die ();

          n_bytes = len;
          affirm (n_bytes != 0);

          c = 0;

          /* If the first field extends to the end of line (it is not
             delimited) and we are printing all non-delimited lines,
             print this one.  */
          if (to_uchar (field_1_buffer[n_bytes - 1]) != delim)
              if (suppress_non_delimited)
                  /* Empty.  */
                  if (fwrite (field_1_buffer, sizeof (char), n_bytes, stdout)
                      != n_bytes)
                    write_error ();
                  /* Make sure the output line is newline terminated.  */
                  if (field_1_buffer[n_bytes - 1] != line_delim)
                      if (putchar (line_delim) < 0)
                        write_error ();
                  c = line_delim;
            } /* END OF (to_uchar (field_1_buffer[n_bytes - 1]) != delim) TRUE */

          if (print_kth (1))
              /* Print the field, but not the trailing delimiter.  */
              if (fwrite (field_1_buffer, sizeof (char), n_bytes - 1, stdout)
                  != n_bytes - 1)
                write_error ();

              /* With -d$'\n' don't treat the last '\n' as a delimiter.  */
              if (delim == line_delim)
                  int last_c = getc (stream);
                  if (last_c != EOF)
                      ungetc (last_c, stream);
                      found_any_selected_field = true;
                  found_any_selected_field = true;
            } /* END OF  (print_kth (1))  TRUE */

          if (merge_delimiters)
             /* Consume any consecutive delimiters 
               -- see */
             int last_c;
             while ((last_c = getc(stream)) == delim);
             if (last_c != EOF)
          next_item (&field_idx);
        } /* END OF (field_idx == 1 && buffer_first_field) TRUE */

      int prev_c = c;
      if (prev_c == delim)
        last_was_delimiter = true;
      if (print_kth (field_idx))
          if (found_any_selected_field)
              if (fwrite (output_delimiter_string, sizeof (char),
                          output_delimiter_length, stdout)
                  != output_delimiter_length)
                write_error ();
          found_any_selected_field = true;

          while ((c = getc (stream)) != delim && c != line_delim && c != EOF)
              last_was_delimiter = false;
              if (putchar (c) < 0)
                write_error ();
              prev_c = c;
        } /* END OF (print_kth (field_idx)) TRUE */
          while ((c = getc (stream)) != delim && c != line_delim && c != EOF)
            last_was_delimiter = false;
            prev_c = c;
        } /* END OF (print_kth (field_idx)) FALSE */

      /* With -d$'\n' don't treat the last '\n' as a delimiter.  */
      if (delim == line_delim && c == delim)
          int last_c = getc (stream);
          if (last_c != EOF)
            ungetc (last_c, stream);
            c = last_c;
      if (c == delim)
        if (merge_delimiters && last_was_delimiter)
        next_item (&field_idx);
        last_was_delimiter = true;
      else if (c == line_delim || c == EOF)
          if (found_any_selected_field
              || !(suppress_non_delimited && field_idx == 1))
              /* Make sure the output line is newline terminated.  */
              if (c == line_delim || prev_c != line_delim
                  || delim == line_delim)
                  if (putchar (line_delim) < 0)
                    write_error ();

          if (c == EOF)

          /* Start processing the next input line.  */
          field_idx = 1;
          current_rp = frp;
          found_any_selected_field = false;

        } /* END OF  (c == delim)  FALSE ***>ELSE BRANCH**>  (c == line_delim || c == EOF) TRUE */
    } /*  LOOP END ***   while (true)   ***   ** */
}  /* ** END OF FUNCTION *** ***   cut_fields (FILE *stream)   ****  */

/* Process file FILE to standard output, using CUT_STREAM.
   Return true if successful.  */

static bool
cut_file (char const *file, void (*cut_stream) (FILE *))
  FILE *stream;

  if (STREQ (file, "-"))
      have_read_stdin = true;
      stream = stdin;
      assume (stream);  /* Pacify GCC bug#109613.  */
      stream = fopen (file, "r");
      if (stream == nullptr)
          error (0, errno, "%s", quotef (file));
          return false;

  fadvise (stream, FADVISE_SEQUENTIAL);

  cut_stream (stream);

  int err = errno;
  if (!ferror (stream))
    err = 0;
  if (STREQ (file, "-"))
    clearerr (stream);		/* Also clear EOF.  */
  else if (fclose (stream) == EOF)
    err = errno;
  if (err)
      error (0, err, "%s", quotef (file));
      return false;
  return true;

main (int argc, char **argv)
  int optc;
  bool ok;
  bool delim_specified = false;
  bool byte_mode = false;
  char *spec_list_string = nullptr;

  initialize_main (&argc, &argv);
  set_program_name (argv[0]);
  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  textdomain (PACKAGE);

  atexit (close_stdout);

  /* By default, all non-delimited lines are printed.  */
  suppress_non_delimited = false;

  delim = '\0';
  have_read_stdin = false;
  merge_delimiters = false;

  while ((optc = getopt_long (argc, argv, "b:c:d:f:mnsz", longopts, nullptr))
         != -1)
      switch (optc)
        case 'b':
        case 'c':
          /* Build the byte list.  */
          byte_mode = true;
        case 'f':
          /* Build the field list.  */
          if (spec_list_string)
            FATAL_ERROR (_("only one list may be specified"));
          spec_list_string = optarg;

        case 'd':
          /* New delimiter.  */
          /* Interpret -d '' to mean 'use the NUL byte as the delimiter.'  */
          if (optarg[0] != '\0' && optarg[1] != '\0')
            FATAL_ERROR (_("the delimiter must be a single character"));
          delim = optarg[0];
          delim_specified = true;

          /* Interpret --output-delimiter='' to mean
             'use the NUL byte as the delimiter.'  */
          output_delimiter_length = (optarg[0] == '\0'
                                     ? 1 : strlen (optarg));
          output_delimiter_string = optarg;
        case 'm':
          merge_delimiters = true;

        case 'n':

        case 's':
          suppress_non_delimited = true;

        case 'z':
          line_delim = '\0';

          complement = true;

          usage (EXIT_FAILURE);

  if (!spec_list_string)
    FATAL_ERROR (_("you must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fields"));

  if (byte_mode)
      if (delim_specified)
        FATAL_ERROR (_("an input delimiter may be specified only\
 when operating on fields"));

      if (suppress_non_delimited)
        FATAL_ERROR (_("suppressing non-delimited lines makes sense\n\
\tonly when operating on fields"));

  set_fields (spec_list_string,
              ((byte_mode ? SETFLD_ERRMSG_USE_POS : 0)
               | (complement ? SETFLD_COMPLEMENT : 0)));

  if (!delim_specified)
    delim = '\t';

  if (output_delimiter_string == nullptr)
      output_delimiter_default[0] = delim;
      output_delimiter_string = output_delimiter_default;
      output_delimiter_length = 1;

  void (*cut_stream) (FILE *) = byte_mode ? cut_bytes : cut_fields;
  if (optind == argc)
    ok = cut_file ("-", cut_stream);
    for (ok = true; optind < argc; optind++)
      ok &= cut_file (argv[optind], cut_stream);

  if (have_read_stdin && fclose (stdin) == EOF)
      error (0, errno, "-");
      ok = false;


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