On Fri, 2024-08-30 at 11:39 +0100, Peter B wrote:
> On 19/08/2024 08:13, Phil Wyett wrote:
> > Looks like it wants to flag one by one on different files. Best to have a
> > review of all the *.po files and run checking.
> Hi Phil,
> That's the whole point of the --terse option.
> Using the -t option with lrc is a good idea for your reviews,
> to give a concise indication of problems.
> However, maintainers fixing a copyright file should run
> lrc without it, otherwise issues will be hidden.
> Maybe be remove the '-t' from your standard appendix [4],
> even if you prefer to use it yourself for the reviews?
> Regards,
> Peter
> P.S.
> For full info, run lrc -h


Yes, got used to '-t' and documented wrongly etc. Amended my appendix




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