On 2024-08-18 19:37 -0300, Isael Sousa wrote:
> Hello everyone,


> I've known GNU/Linux since 2008 and lately I'd like to be able to
> contribute to Debian in some way in my free time.
> I would like to start packaging some GoLang code and would like to know
> where to start.

You have already seen the packaging intro link.

You should also be aware that there are plenty of other ways to help
debian beyond packaging. Website, translation, bugfixing, joining a
maintainer team (by language or by subject matter - e.g. Python team
or debian-science), porting (i.e help with specific architectures),
the installer team (currently woefully understaffed), and so on. So by
all means package something you are interested in (it really helps
understand how stuff works), but also consider if improving any of
these other things would be of interest.

> I'm not sure if I'm posting this message in the right channel, sorry.

You have indeed found the right place to ask questions like this, (and
more detailed ones). So that's a good start :-)

Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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