Hi Daniel,

Dne 02.08.2024 (pet) ob 17:10 +0200 je Daniel Gröber napisal(a):
> The package looks good sans tests so I'll upload that to NEW so we can keep
> working on the tests in the meantime. 


> Recursive make calls are uncessary here, but you're also ignoring the
> arcane convention to call $(MAKE), see
> https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/MAKE-Variable.html.
> Easy fix is to just add dependencies to the test target, like so:
>  .PHONY: test
> -test: .git
> +test: .git genfoo genbar geninit
>       prove $(prove) $(test)
> Upstream's suggestion to put it in test/setup is even better though so
> that's the way to go.


> I hope you are planning to address admorgan's comments on the upstream PR

I prepared a modified upstream change regarding generation of test git repos and
and potentially initializing the whole project as git project, according to
admorgan's comments.

I have a question regarding how to proceed modifying upstream sources, where i
want to modify my existing patches with regard to the current state of the

For example i want to rewrite patches 0004 and 0005 according to upstream
request but i am not sure if this is the correct way to proceed. 

Do you also have any pointers to any useful documents?

thanks, Samo

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