On Sat, 6 Apr 2024 00:42:04 +0500 Andrey Rakhmatullin <w...@debian.org>
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> You should provide a separate -dev package, currently the development
> files are shipped in the library package.
> There is a hardcoded Depends: libkrb5-3, why is this needed?
> There are unused files in debian/, such as libsmb2-dev.* and libsmb21.*.
> You should remove the .la file instead of fixing it, unless something
> needs it.
> You shouldn't call dh_installexamples in override_dh_install.
> Please remove the moreinfo tag after these are addressed.
> -- 

Hi Joe,

It has now bee some time with no updates or feedback from you as the
submitter to the reuest for more information by Andrey. Is there still
motivation to move forward getting this package ready and into




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