Hi Frederic-Emmanuel,

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel, on 2024-08-03:
> Hello, I would like to know if we have a command line tool which could return 
> an equivalent of the tracker status of a package from an unpackaqued source.
> sort of rmadison but with most/all of the tracker informations, build status 
> per architectue, debci status / Salsa-ci status, lintian, bugs summarize 
> etc...

Nearest approximation of such command that I know of, would be

        $ dpt prepare

from the package pkg-perl-tools.  It is a Debian Perl Team
specific tool, but the "prepare" subcommand is generic enough
that I can peruse it's output for any package.

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emoll...@debian.org>
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