On Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 3:15 AM Phil Wyett <philip.wy...@kathenas.org> wrote:
> The review below is for assistance.

Thanks for the review, I have addressed the issues below.

> 3. Licenses (lrc[3]): Issue
> GPL-2+          | NTP~disclaimer   fvwm/screen.h

fvwm changed its license to GPL-2+ a long time ago, and I think this
might be an artifact of that, a single header in fvwm/ which didn't
get updated. I'm currently working with upstream to track down if this
was an oversight during that change or there was a reason for leaving
this header file alone, and once that is resolved will update
debian/copyright. I have already updated debian/copyright to contain
all the licenses for the code in lib/.

> 4. Watch file (uscan --force-download): Issue
> uscan warn: Files-Excluded pattern (bin/FvwmPrompt/vendor/) should not have a
> trailing /

Updated the package and removed the trailing slash.

Thanks for the review,


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