On Fri, 2024-07-12 at 10:44 +0500, Andrey Rakhmatullin wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 05:54:59AM +0100, Phil Wyett wrote:
> > Morning all,
> > 
> > As we embark on a new process where packages submitted to mentors are 
> > reviewed
> > and brought to a "Ready" stage for then busy DDs who are gracious enough to 
> > give
> > their time to review and possibly sponsor into Debian. We have a unique 
> > problem
> > (one which is now a nice one to have to be honest :-)) where more than one 
> > DD
> > may input on the same package review.
> > 
> > Could submitters to mentors and DDs please ensure that only one DD is 
> > working on
> > a package. This is to avoid conflicting info and also not waste valuable DD
> > time. If a package is taken, please find another to work on, as there are 
> > many
> > at the "Ready" stage.
> Do you also suggest to not review packages one isn't going to sponsor? Or
> how should this work?

Morning Andrey,

Anyone can review packages, that has been part of mentors forever really. But
whoever does review a package, I would hope they see it through its journey.

* For non DDs. Hopefully take it to that ready stage where a DD can then take
over and finish a packages journey.

* For DDs. Hopefully take a package on prior to or at the ready stage and take
it through its full journey.

Is this reasonable?




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