
I have sponsored your package.  I am impressed with the work you have done.  
You obviously have spend a fair amount of effort getting dmidecode into this 
good of shape.

I have just a few comments for you to consider for future releases.

1.  debian/control currently has the following two lines:

Vcs-Git: git://git.jff.email/dmidecode.git
Vcs-Browser: https://git.jff.email/cgit/dmidecode.git/

Lintian properly complains about Vcs-Git using an insecure protocol that is 
susceptible to MITM attacks.  You should switch it to using HTTPS.  These two 
fields exist so that you can specify the URL for `git clone` as well as the URL 
for accessing the repository in a web browser.  For some projects, these URLs 
are different.  In your case, you can use the same URL for both entries:

Vcs-Git: https://git.jff.email/cgit/dmidecode.git/
Vcs-Browser: https://git.jff.email/cgit/dmidecode.git/

2.  debian/control currently has the following line:


Although all four numbers may be used, in recent years it has become more 
common for only the first three.


3.  You currently have a lintian override for a lintian man page warning.  The 
cause of this problem is discussed at:


The man page at question is dmidecode.8:

dmidecode/man$ LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MANROFFSEQ='' MANWIDTH=80 man --warnings -E 
UTF-8 -l -Tutf8 -Z dmidecode.8 >/dev/null
an.tmac:<standard input>:259: warning: tbl preprocessor failed, or it or 
soelim was not run; table(s) likely not rendered (TE macro called with TW 
register undefined)

This is because it uses tables but doesn’t invoke the tbl preprocessor.

You should be able to fix this by prepending the following to the beginning of 
the file (taken from /usr/share/man/man1/man.1.gz):

'\" t
.\" ** The above line should force tbl to be a preprocessor **

You might want to submit that as an upstream patch.

Feel free to reach out to me if you need sponsorship of future packages.


On Sunday, June 30, 2024 11:42:37 AM MST Jörg Frings-Fürst wrote:
> Package: sponsorship-requests
> Severity: normal
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "dmidecode":
>  * Package name     : dmidecode
>    Version          : 3.6-1
>    Upstream contact : dmidecode-de...@nongnu.org
>  * URL              : https://nongnu.org/dmidecode/
>  * License          : GPL-2+
>  * Vcs              : https://git.jff.email/cgit/dmidecode.git/
>    Section          : utils
> The source builds the following binary packages:
>   dmidecode - SMBIOS/DMI table decoder
>   dmidecode-udeb - SMBIOS/DMI table decoder (udeb)
> To access further information about this package, please visit the following
> URL:
>   https://mentors.debian.net/package/dmidecode/
> Alternatively, you can download the package with 'dget' using this command:
>  dget -x
> https://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/d/dmidecode/dmidecode_3.6-1.dsc
> or from
>  git https://git.jff.email/cgit/dmidecode.git/?h=release%2Fdebian%2F3.6-1
> Changes since the last upload:
>  dmidecode (3.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
>  .
>    * New upstream release (Closes: #1069767).
>      - Rebase patches.
>      - Remove upstream applied patches:
>        + debian/patches/0155-use_read_file.patch
>        + debian/patches/0160-HPE_OEM_Firmware_change.patch
>    * debian/copyright:
>      - Add year 2024 to myself.
>      - Rebase to the new release.
> CU
> Jörg

Soren Stoutner

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