'ello again, Nicholas !

> P.S.  Alexandru, here is an RFP from my list:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/944826
Thanks a lot for the link, unfortunately it's 404 :)
Regarding ITP:
I've picked a Pokemon so to say!
It's https://github.com/astrofrog/psrecord from your list of
recommendations. I like it, it's python, it's lightweight, I like
upstream's tidiness and I enjoy (for some odd reason) profiling
That said, in the ITP I stated intent to maintain alone for now. The
Python team does not seem to maintain a lot of random python CLI
doodads, mainly big python modules such as scipy, etc. Should I ask
them if it's ok to append myself to their team with this package anyway
? What do you say ? https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/PythonTeam
You mentioned a colleague of yours was interested in this software.
Since you're busy, maybe he could help with sponsorship ?

Regarding keysigning:
I've read the links you've sent, thank you; I've been over the Key
offers page before; sadly the only offer in my country is in Timisoara
which is over 500 km from Bucharest. (Strange, Timisoara is much, much
smaller than the capital but I digress :D ).
My key is ok, I checked.
I guess I'll have to wait for my plans of becoming DM :)

> I'll reply to our other thread(s?) soonish, and please ping me in two
> weeks if I haven't yet.
Please don't watch the YouTube link I sent, unless you want to listen
to rookie guitar riffs 101 :D
> Kind regards,
> Nicholas
Have a nice day,

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