On 05.07.2024 00:25, Preuße, Hilmar wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to bring TeX Live 2024 into Debian testing. The excuse pages for 
> texlive-base/texlive-extra/texlive-lang say
> "Migration status for texlive-... (2023.20240207-x to 2024.20240401-x): Will 
> attempt migration (Any information below is purely informational)"
> Unfortunately these package are bound to biber >= 2.20, which needs to 
> migrate at the same time. Here the excuse page says [1]:

It this really the case? In BD, there isn't any version restrictions on
biber. Neither is it listed as a blocking issue.

> autopkgtest for biber/2.20-2: amd64: Failed (not a regression), arm64: Failed 
> (not a regression), armel: Regression or new test ♻ (reference ♻), armhf: 
> Failed (not a regression), i386: Failed (not a regression), ppc64el: Failed 
> (not a regression), riscv64: Failed (not a regression), s390x: Failed (not a 
> regression)
> The armel test fails, b/c it tries to load TL packages, which are only in 
> unstable. The autopkg test runs fine, when these package (from unstable) are 
> used.
> How do I override the failing test? I could upload a biber w/ autopkgtest 
> disabled, but I guess there are better methods to solve the issue.

The problem here is that the reference test succeeded, while the new
test failed, this blocks the migration.

The proper way to handle this is to request a new reference test, which
in this case we hope will fail. When both tests fails, it is no longer a
regression and therefore, no longer blocking the migration.

I have already requested a new reference test, which failed. After the
test has been registered, it should no longer block the migration.

> Thanks,
>   Hilmar
> [1] https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=biber


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