Hi Colin,


Thanks for taking time to create this package and your contribution to Debian.

The below review is for assistance. It is offered to help submitters of
packages to Debian mentors improve their packages prior to possible
sponsorship into Debian. There is no obligation on behalf of the subitter to
make any alterations based upon information provided in the review.


1. Build: Good

2. Lintian: Warnings / Information

W: ipp-crypto source: debian-rules-sets-DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS [debian/rules:5]
N:   The debian/rules file sets the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS variable, which will
N:   override any user-specified build profile.
N:   Please replace with DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS.
N:   Please refer to the dpkg-buildflags(1) manual page for details.
N:   Visibility: warning
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: debian/rules

Note: Something to look at and consider.

W: ipp-crypto changes: distribution-and-changes-mismatch unstable sid
N:   The Distribution in the .changes file indicates that packages should be
N:   installed into one distribution (suite), but the distribution in the
N:   Changes field copied from debian/changelog indicates that a different
N:   distribution was intended.
N:   This is an easy mistake to make when invoking "sbuild ... foo.dsc".
N:   Double-check the -d option if using sbuild in this way.
N:   Please refer to Bug#542747 and Bug#529281 for details.
N:   Visibility: warning
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: fields/distribution


In 'debian/changelog' the package should be targetting 'unstable' and not 'sid.
This one requires being rectified.

See: Additional A.

I: libcrypto-mb-dev: extended-description-is-probably-too-short
N:   The extended description (the lines after the first line of the
N:   "Description:" field) is only one or two lines long. The extended
N:   description should provide a user with enough information to decide
N:   whether they want to install this package, what it contains, and how it
N:   compares to similar packages. One or two lines is normally not enough to
N:   do this.
N:   Please refer to General guidelines for package descriptions (Section
N:   6.2.1) in the Debian Developer's Reference and The long description
N:   (Section 6.2.3) in the Debian Developer's Reference for details.
N:   Visibility: info
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: fields/description


You may wish to extend this a little.

3. Licenses: Issues

d/copyright     | licensecheck

Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/CLT_license_MIT.txt
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/gui/app.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/gui/controller.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/gui/custom_functions_panel
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/gui/selection_panel.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/gui/settings_panel.py
Apache-2.0      | Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/main.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/tests/functions_tests.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/tests/utils.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/tool/core.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/tool/generators.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/tool/generators_utils.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/tool/package.py
Apache-2.0      |
Expat            tools/ipp_custom_library_tool_python/tool/utils.py

The check is wrong here. Look at the files and you will they all are MIT

4. Build Twice (sudo pbuilder build --twice <package>.dsc): Good

5. Install (No previous installs): Good

6. Upgrade (Over previous installs if any): N/A


A. If you wished to ask the copyright holder listed for the 'debian' directory
to allow relicensing under the main Apache-2.0 license of the package.




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