Wookey <woo...@wookware.org> writes:

> On 2024-05-24 16:39 +0200, David Given wrote:
>> I'm try to put together a package for a big, complex application. One of
>> its dependencies isn't in Debian yet. What do I do?
> Package the dependency first.
>> - package up the dependency and somehow get both packages sponsored at the
>> same time (how?);
>> - package up the dependency and get it sponsored first... meaning that I'll
>> be trying to get a library added which has no users.
> This is what I do. All packages have no users before they enter the
> archive so that's not really a problem. I quite often find that there
> in fact other packages using a library in the archive but they've
> bundled it (because that's easier and is often what upstream has
> done). So a 3rd step is to file patches for those other packages to
> use your library. sources.debian.org is a good place to look for such
> instances.
> You can do both at once but I find it easier if the libraries go in first,
> then you can be sure everything works without having to have 'special'
> build environment with your extra library packages present.
> Mostly it depends how fast you want to move. Either is fine.

Libs first for me too.  Also, it's worth filing an ITP (intent to
package) for the dependency you want to start with, file RFP (request
for packaging) for the ones you wouldn't mind someone else solving while
you work on your initial ITP.  You can also file an ITP for the eventual
consumer of these dependencies.

Why?  So someone doesn't swoop in and package and upload the whole thing
while you're still working on it.  It's not a nice feeling.

Having a bug trail also makes it easier for someone to pick up where you
left off if you have to step away from the project for any reason.  It's
important to you, so it's worth doing, so someone else almost certainly
feels the same way!

Take care,

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